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Update (12/1/2016): Apple has announced an exchange program for certain iPhone 6S' purchased between September and October, 2015. This addresses the persistent "Battery life stuck at 30%" outcome described below. Apple has not commented on reports of reduced battery life or excessive heat, and has appear no plans to address any bombardment reporting bug that may exist on any hardware other than the iPhone 6S. It is non withal articulate if the problems described below are only happening on iPhone 6S' or not. If you have an affected iPhone 6S, y'all can check your device's serial number hither. Affected devices volition receive a bombardment replacement costless of accuse.

Original story below:

No OS update is ever perfect, simply Apple'south iOS x initially launched to potent reviews and fewer reports of problems than nosotros've seen with some of Apple tree's other launches. The recent 10.1.1 update, however, appears to exist causing issues. A number of users are reporting drastically reduced battery life and much higher device temperatures.

Part of the problem appears to be related to battery charge monitoring — quotes ane user as proverb: "It jumps from 30 per cent charge to ane per cent in a few seconds and so shuts down. Equally soon as it reboots subsequently connecting to a charger it show xxx per cent charge. When I unplug it right away it still shows thirty per cent and runs like nil happened for a practiced few hours."

I've seen this happen on my own iPhone, particularly as the device has gotten older. Information technology'south not uncommon for my phone to display irregular behavior — dropping extremely apace at some points, and so reporting a steady charge level at a given value (lx% and 29% appear to exist especially favorite sticking points for my own device). My significant other's device has a similar problem. That said, this isn't a new issue for either of us, and it doesn't appear to affect the overall bombardment life — just the displayed bombardment level.


"Massive reduction in battery life" wasn't on the feature listing.

Some iOS users who also develop for the platform have tried to isolate the trouble, with no success. Ane Hacker News commenter writes:

[M]y iPhone 6 has gone from beingness needing to be charged every 1.five days to at to the lowest degree iii times a day minimum. It likewise runs extremely hot a lot of the fourth dimension, regardless of how many or what apps are running in the groundwork… the phone'due south "Battery Usage" list is useless, as information technology shows things like Post being used for 3 minutes, and using 25% of the battery power since concluding charge. Varying apps are listed every bit huge battery sucks even when I don't think they are (Calculator everyone?!?) At this very moment, it is maxim that Apple Remote took 26% of the battery charge, Messages took 11% and the Home & Lock Screen took nine% since last charge – about 30 minutes ago!

Things that I expect to suck up the battery, similar the Moves app, says only 2%.

I've even plugged my phone into my PC and gone into XCode to check the logs to run into if annihilation is standing out, just null in the logs point to a particular app or procedure chewing battery time.
Immensely frustrating. Another dev friend of mine has said that the iOS ten.2 beta has fixed most of his problems, so I may download that from our programmer account and encounter if information technology works… I have done a full factory reset on the telephone and restored from iTunes backup twice now, with no improvement at all.

The problems don't seem limited to any specific iPhone model or feature, and there's no known cause or solution as of this writing. Apple tree pushed ii versions of iOS 10.1.1 — the kickoff release dropped on October 31 and a second version of the update was released on November nine. Apple tree hasn't disclosed any reason for the 2d push, however, and it only went out to owners who hadn't previously downloaded If yous're using 10.1.1 (either flavor) have you noticed whatever bug?