Glaucoma is a primary cause of vision loss and blindness in the U.s., affecting around 2.7 million people – a number that is expected to attain 4.ii million by 2030. While astringent glaucoma-related vision loss tin often be prevented, at that place is one major barrier: around half of patients with the illness do not know they have it.

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Glaucoma can take away every bit much as 40% of a person's sight without them realizing.

Glaucoma is a group of conditions that crusade damage to the heart's optic nerve – a cluster of more than a million nervus fibers.

The optic nervus links the retina – the light-sensitive layer at the back of the center – to the brain; any impairment to the optic nervus can lead to vision loss and blindness.

Glaucoma is oft referred to as the "sneak thief of sight" – because information technology rarely presents symptoms; it can take away every bit much as forty% of a person'due south vision without them noticing, and once this vision has gone, it cannot be restored.

Early diagnosis, however, opens the door to a number of treatment options that can halt glaucoma-related vision loss.

In line with Glaucoma Sensation Month this January, we look at the gamble factors for glaucoma and how an early on diagnosis can be accomplished, increasing the likelihood of stopping the sight-stealing disease in its tracks.

Glaucoma can occur in one or both eyes, and in that location are ii primary types – open-angle glaucoma – the most common form, bookkeeping for effectually 90% of all cases – and angle-closure glaucoma.

Open-angle glaucoma, as well called chief or chronic glaucoma, is characterized by a wide, open angle betwixt the iris and the cornea.

Fast facts about glaucoma

  • Glaucoma is the second leading crusade of blindness worldwide
  • There is no cure for glaucoma; early detection is central in preventing vision loss from the illness
  • Unfortunately, effectually ten% of people who receive suitable treatment for glaucoma withal feel vision loss.

Learn more than about glaucoma

Information technology develops when a clear fluid called the aqueous humor leaves the centre's anterior sleeping room too slowly through the drainage canals, resulting in a fluid build-up. This build-upwardly increases eye pressure, causing damage to the optic nerve that can lead to vision loss.

Vision loss from open-angle glaucoma normally begins with peripheral vision – vision outside the key area of focus – before affecting central vision.

In its early stages, open-angle glaucoma presents no symptoms and vision appears normal, explaining why around half of individuals with glaucoma are unaware they are affected.

In bending-closure glaucoma, also called acute or narrow-bending glaucoma, the angle betwixt the iris and the cornea is narrow or airtight. The drainage canals in the eye become fully blocked, leading to a sudden rise in heart pressure that can harm the optic nerve.

Dissimilar open-angle glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma does present symptoms, including eye redness, blurred vision, severe pain and nausea.

Other less common forms of glaucoma include normal-tension glaucoma, in which optic nervus damage occurs despite normal eye pressure, and congenital glaucoma – a rare condition in babies, in which the center's drainage canals fail to develop or develop abnormally.

Glaucoma is well-nigh common amidst adults over the age of 60, individuals with a family history of the disease, and black people.

Co-ordinate to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, black Americans are around vi to eight times more than probable to develop glaucoma than white Americans, and black Americans are effectually 14-17 times more likely to go blind from the affliction than white Americans of the same age group.

Other run a risk factors for glaucoma include diabetes, severe nearsightedness, previous eye injuries, steroid use and a history of severe anemia.

While about glaucoma cases do not present symptoms in the early on stages, in that location are some alert signs to look out for. These include:

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Ruddy-rimmed, bloated or crusty eyelids can be a warning sign for glaucoma, though the disease ofttimes presents no symptoms in the early on stages.

  • Red-rimmed, swollen or crusty eyelids
  • Watery eyes
  • Dry eyes with itching or burning
  • Double vision
  • Recurrent pain in or around the optics
  • Squinting or blinking due to unusual light sensitivity
  • Dark spots at central vision
  • Modify in iris color.

More than astringent signs include sudden blurred vision, sudden loss of vision in i middle, halos or rainbows effectually calorie-free, and black spots or flashes of light.

While these symptoms may non necessarily exist related to glaucoma, the presence of at least one warrants a visit to an eye doc – an optometrist or ophthalmologist – for an centre examination equally before long as possible.

Withal, to identify glaucoma – and any other centre problems – as early as possible, you lot should have regular eye examinations before symptoms appear; this is fundamental to preventing vision loss.

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"Early detection past having a comprehensive dilated centre exam every i-2 years is key to protecting vision, particularly if yous are at higher risk," says Dr. Paul Sieving.

A comprehensive dilated center exam is considered the best way to detect glaucoma. It includes a visual acuity test, (to measure ability to run across at various distances), a visual field examination (to assess peripheral vision), a dilated eye examination (to assess damage to the retina and optic nervus), tonometry (to mensurate eye pressure) and pachymetry (to measure thickness of the cornea).

According to the National Middle Institute (NEI) – office of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) – black Americans are advised to kickoff having annual comprehensive dilated centre exams from the historic period of xl because of their higher gamble of glaucoma, while all other Americans are recommended to accept the exams annually from the age of 60.

However, a survey from the Glaucoma Research Foundation reveals that effectually less than half of Americans have an annual comprehensive centre exam, meaning millions of us are putting our vision at risk.

Effectually 120,000 people in the United states of america are blind every bit a result of glaucoma, accounting for 9-12% of all blindness cases in the country. The sad truth is, many of these cases could have been prevented with early diagnosis.

Dr. Paul Sieving, managing director of the NEI, says:

"If glaucoma is detected in its early stages, pressure tin be controlled through medication or surgery, and the progression of the disease can be delayed.

Early detection by having a comprehensive dilated eye test every 1-2 years is fundamental to protecting vision, peculiarly if yous are at college chance."

The most common treatments for early glaucoma are medications in the form of eye drops or pills, including prostaglandins, beta-blockers and alpha-adrenergic agonists. These work by reducing fluid production in the eye or reducing eye pressure by encouraging fluid drainage.

The NEI note that because nigh individuals with early stage glaucoma feel no symptoms, they often forget to take or stop using their medication. Notwithstanding, they stress that handling success is highly dependent on regular use.

Laser trabeculoplasty is another handling for glaucoma, in which a loftier-intensity low-cal beam is used to make holes in the eye's drainage canals, allowing the fluid to drain more than effectively and reducing middle pressure level.

While studies have shown that light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation trabeculoplasty is constructive for reducing eye pressure in most patients with glaucoma, the effects may diminish for some people, and a second treatment may be required.

Glaucoma patients may also undergo a form of surgery called trabeculectomy, in which a small area of tissue is removed from the center wall in order to make a new hole for fluid drainage.

According to the NEI, trabeculectomy is around 60-80% effective for reducing eye pressure in glaucoma patients.

While such treatments practice not provide a 100% success guarantee, if used early enough, they tin be highly constructive for delaying glaucoma progression and preventing vision loss.

So, if glaucoma-related blindness is highly preventable with early diagnosis and treatment, why exercise and then many of u.s.a. avoid regular centre exams to find out if we accept the disease? It seems largely downwards to lack of sensation.

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Ane survey in the The states constitute that around a third of participants had never heard of glaucoma.

The results of a Prevent Blindness America survey plant that 30% of survey participants had never heard of glaucoma, while around half had heard of the condition but were unsure of what information technology is.

Furthermore, while around xx% of participants surveyed knew that glaucoma was associated with increased heart pressure, almost thought the status would present symptoms, that information technology could be easily cured and that it did not cause incomprehension.

Health professionals beyond the earth are in agreement that educating the public almost glaucoma is key to encouraging more people – particularly high-adventure individuals – to undergo regular heart exams.

This is the primal message of Glaucoma Awareness Month – a campaign that aims to increase public cognition about the illness.

Besides as providing educational resources about glaucoma to the general public, the campaign hopes to encourage health professionals to better inform patients near glaucoma and the devastating impact it can take on vision.

While glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness, information technology does non accept to exist. The take-dwelling house message of this commodity is to take your eyes checked regularly – it could save your sight.